Want To Choose The Best Turfing Material? 4 Points To Consider

You can never expect one type of turf to suit every situation, as the need for each garden or outdoor space differs. Every variety of turfgrass has its own set of strengths, weaknesses, and the way they adapt to various situations. Most homeowners have a tough time choosing the perfect turfing material that will help them achieve a practical and aesthetic surface. The best you can do is find a reliable lawn turf supplier in Surrey, and they will suggest a product according to your needs and budget.

Few Vital Points To Consider When Choosing Turfing Material

Type Of Lawn

Let the turf supplier know what type of lawn or yard you want, and they will recommend the ideal product within your budget. You can choose one which has been carefully tended and manicured, the average-looking varieties which require less maintenance and fertilisers, the natural-looking products, the one having the same texture throughout or growing multiple species together.

Maintenance And Care

The maintenance of each variety of turfgrass requires to differ. Higher management is required to maintain high-quality turfs. Instead of getting attracted to their visual appeal, choose one after considering the amount you can spend on fertilisers or time to mow it. There are a few products that might develop black patches if not maintained regularly. Assess the time you can utilise to maintain the lawn and choose a suitable product.

Shaded Area

All types of turfs are not tolerant of the shade. Trees and buildings surround most buildings. So, choose grasses that suit those shaded spots. If the turf is getting affected by shade, you can understand it by the appearance of your lawn. It will produce fewer shots, and the lawn will appear more open. If a majority of the area in your lawn is shaded, choose sun-loving turf species.

Type Of Soil

If you think that all types of soil found in our garden are similar, it’s high time you debunk the myth. Each of them has its own set of characteristics. The content of sand or heavy clay in it might differ, and this affects its drainage. The alkalinity and acidity of the soil in the lawn are the two other vital points you should consider. Let your lawn turf supplier in Surrey assess the soil type in your lawn before choosing a suitable turfing material. Consider the points mentioned above and get in touch with the turfing experts at Hills Quality Turfs if you are looking for the finest turf.

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