2 Points To Consider When Choosing Lawn Turf

Every lawn differs and the type of turf it needs. Even the most expensive turf might not suit your garden as each of them has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. How they can adapt to different situations also varies. If you want to choose the most suitable turf variety for your lawn and achieve an aesthetic surface, start looking for a reputable lawn turf supplier. There are numerous companies offering the service so make sure you choose one with years of experience. They will help you choose the right turf variety after considering a few vital points.

Want The Best Turf For Your Lawn? Consider The Points Stated Below

Type Of Lawn

As a homeowner, you have the flexibility to decide what type of lawn you want. While some people prefer carefully tended and manicured turfs, others like the average-looking varieties. The demand for the latter is generally higher as they need less maintenance and fertilisers. If you are not sure about the type of turf you need, discuss your requirements with your lawn turf supplier in Surrey and they can suggest the most suitable product within your budget.

Maintenance And Care

Every variety of turf needs a different level of maintenance or care. Stay prepared to provide higher management if you plan to install high-quality turfs. People often get attracted to their visual appeal and fail to consider the amount of maintenance they need. It is always advisable to consider how much you have to spend on fertilisers and the time required to mow the lawn.

Some products even develop black patches over time if you fail to maintain them regularly. Know the time and money you can utilise and choosing the best product will become easy. Since you are now aware of the points you should consider when choosing lawn turf, it’s time you get in touch with the landscapers at Hill’s Quality Turf.

Few Vital Points To Consider When Choosing Garden Turf In Crawle

Every outdoor space differs so you should choose garden turf accordingly. There is no specific type of turf which suits every garden. Each has its own set of strengths, weaknesses, and how they become accustomed to various situations. If you need turfing services, choose something which can help you achieve a practical and aesthetic surface. If you choose a reputable garden turf supplier in Crawley, the task will become easier. Most of them have years of experience and know the various points to consider when choosing garden turf.

Need High-Quality Garden Turf? Consider The Points Stated Below

•           Type Of Lawn

You have the flexibility to choose the type of lawn or yard you want. While some are carefully tended and manicured, the average-looking varieties require less maintenance and fertilisers. You can also choose natural-looking products with the same texture throughout or make many species grow together. Let the garden turf supplier know your requirements and they will recommend the perfect product within your budget.

•           Maintenance And Care

The maintenance or care required for every type of garden turf differs. Higher management is necessary to maintain high-quality turfs. Instead of getting attracted to their visual appeal, choose one after considering how much you have to spend on fertilisers or the time required to mow it. Few products develop black patches if not maintained regularly. Assess the time and amount you can utilise to maintain the lawn and choosing the best turf variety will become easy.

•           Type Of Soil

Though every type of soil looks similar, they have their own set of characteristics. The content of sand or heavy clay in it might differ, affecting its drainage. The alkalinity and acidity of the soil are the two other vital points you should consider when choosing garden turf for your lawn.

•           Shaded Area

All turf varieties are not tolerant of the shade. It is normal for a house to be surrounded by trees and buildings so you should choose grasses that suit those shaded spots. If the turf is getting affected by shade, you can understand it by the appearance of your lawn. It will be producing fewer shots and the lawn will appear more open. If most of the area in your lawn is shaded, choose sun-loving turf species. Consider the points stated above and get in touch with a reputable garden turf supplier.

Replace Your Lawn Turf Before It’s Too Late

The first thing a person notices when they enter your yard is the lawn. If you want it to look pleasant at all times, make sure it gets proper care and maintenance. Having a perfect lawn in the yard is a dream for many. You can save time and effort by choosing cost-effective alternatives like lawn turf. You can use them for almost 20 years if they are properly fitted and maintained. No wonder they have become a popular choice for commercial sites, gardens, sports venues, and schools.

Why Do Artificial Lawn Turf Needs Replacement?

Though you don’t have to worry about the appeal and performance of artificial turf you have recently fitted, issues might crop up over time. It generally happens if you choose an inexperienced supplier or fail to give the lawn adequate care and maintenance. You will notice that they have lost their quality and vibrant appeal. If you want your outdoor space to look and feel great, make sure you replace them at the right time.

Few Warning Signs Indicating That You Should Replace Your Lawn Turf

artificial lawn turf problems


Like other dyed products, the colour of artificial turf can also fade due to continuous exposure to rain, wind, UV rays, and sea salt. Start looking for a reputable lawn turf supplier if you notice that it has started fading. Most types of lawn turfs are specially designed to withstand a specific degree of weathering. You might have to face the issue of fading faster if the turf you have installed is of inferior quality or you are using older turf products.


You can rest assured that the turf in your garden can stand up to heavy wear and is highly resilient if you follow all the installation guidelines. You should also use high-quality underlay. The integrity of lawn turf can also become compromised due to continuous harsh weather conditions, fire, or floods. You don’t have to deal with damaged turf frequently if you choose a reputable artificial grass supplier like High-Quality Turf.

Weakening Seams

Weakening of the seams is a very common issue you have to deal with if you have fitted a cheap artificial lawn. They are not well-engineered like premium quality turf. Over time, the seams start weakening. The issue can also occur due to poor maintenance, incorrect installation, or its usage does not suit the turf type. Replace the turf immediately if you notice separating or splitting seams as they pose a safety hazard.

If you ever notice any of the warning signs stated above, get in touch with the experts at Hills Quality Turf.

Want To Choose The Best Turfing Material? 4 Points To Consider

You can never expect one type of turf to suit every situation, as the need for each garden or outdoor space differs. Every variety of turfgrass has its own set of strengths, weaknesses, and the way they adapt to various situations. Most homeowners have a tough time choosing the perfect turfing material that will help them achieve a practical and aesthetic surface. The best you can do is find a reliable lawn turf supplier in Surrey, and they will suggest a product according to your needs and budget.

Few Vital Points To Consider When Choosing Turfing Material

Type Of Lawn

Let the turf supplier know what type of lawn or yard you want, and they will recommend the ideal product within your budget. You can choose one which has been carefully tended and manicured, the average-looking varieties which require less maintenance and fertilisers, the natural-looking products, the one having the same texture throughout or growing multiple species together.

Maintenance And Care

The maintenance of each variety of turfgrass requires to differ. Higher management is required to maintain high-quality turfs. Instead of getting attracted to their visual appeal, choose one after considering the amount you can spend on fertilisers or time to mow it. There are a few products that might develop black patches if not maintained regularly. Assess the time you can utilise to maintain the lawn and choose a suitable product.

Shaded Area

All types of turfs are not tolerant of the shade. Trees and buildings surround most buildings. So, choose grasses that suit those shaded spots. If the turf is getting affected by shade, you can understand it by the appearance of your lawn. It will produce fewer shots, and the lawn will appear more open. If a majority of the area in your lawn is shaded, choose sun-loving turf species.

Type Of Soil

If you think that all types of soil found in our garden are similar, it’s high time you debunk the myth. Each of them has its own set of characteristics. The content of sand or heavy clay in it might differ, and this affects its drainage. The alkalinity and acidity of the soil in the lawn are the two other vital points you should consider. Let your lawn turf supplier in Surrey assess the soil type in your lawn before choosing a suitable turfing material. Consider the points mentioned above and get in touch with the turfing experts at Hills Quality Turfs if you are looking for the finest turf.

Know About the Different Types of Artificial Grass and Turfs

The use of artificial grass is dynamically changing the way homeowners are designing their yards. It is easy to maintain and beautify with constant upkeep. They are artificial in nature, yet they look authentic. There are different types of artificial grass and turf available in the market. You can choose one as per the material, colour, length and other features. 

Various types of artificial grass

The Wide Variety of Artificial Grass and Turfs

With the growing demand for artificial grass, the range of product availability has also increased drastically.  


It is one of the strongest types of artificial grass available in the market. Nylon can stand up to high temperature and heavyweight without losing its original shape or getting matted down. This is how it becomes a suitable choice for a number of different applications. However, Nylon is expensive with a stiff pile. This is why it is not used for the backyards or landscaping.  

Artificial Nylon artificial grass is used mainly as a secondary thatch to improve the stability of other artificial grass products. This way, it gives polyethylene and polypropylene grass structure and strength. Artificial Nylon, on its own does not feel natural or comfortable at all. However, in terms of longevity, it offers the highest investment value.  


It is one of the most preferred products for artificial glass installation at home. It looks attractive with bright green colours, while the texture is soft. It is suitable for landscaping purpose, to make fields for the soccer field, baseball and football. Often it is paired with secondary nylon thatch for durability and robustness. Polyethylene is non-porous, due to which it does not retain foul odour. Hence it is ideal for use by pet owners. 

In terms of maintenance, it is less time-consuming. You have to rake and brush it from time to time to ensure that the blades are perking up to look the best. It ideally resembles natural grass in its outlook. 



It is the least expensive variety of artificial grass and less durable. It is a good choice for those who want an excellent landscaping bargain. But its quality degrades faster with use. It cannot withstand high temperature, failing to hold its shape properly. Besides, it also looks unnatural with flat spots, wear and tear from heat exposure.  

For more options of high-quality artificial grass and professional installation services, consult High-Quality Turf.

With regards to the pile height of the grass, you can choose from these three options- 


Go shorter than 30mm for the artificial grass to look natural. The short piles enable easy cleaning. It also feels comfortable to stand and walk around.  


These are primarily between 30mm to 37mm. This is enough height to create a natural look for the artificial grass. It makes for a lovely yard, for a multi-use back garden area where you can spend a relaxing time with the family. 


This pile goes longer than 37mm, but it looks heavy, flat and highly unnatural. The blades are too heavy to stand upright; they will lay down frequently.

Outdoor and Indoor Gym Ideas With High Quality Lawn Turfs

With the pandemic and lockdown growing on us, home gyms have become a suitable option to stay fit and healthy. You cannot deny the fact that work equipment needs space for proper accommodation; hence, you can ideally opt for an outdoor gym in the backyard. However, indoor gyms are functional and fashionable too.  

Lawn Turf in Gym Floor

Here we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to go about with the indoor and outdoor gym ideas.  

Outdoor Gym – Where to Start?

To construct and model an outdoor gym, especially in your open and spacious backyard, you should start with a healthy, well maintained and good quality lawn. Go for high-quality lawn turfs made from artificial grass. Unlike the hard surfaces, lawn turfs improve air quality by trapping Co2, prevents soil erosion, regulates temperature, decrease noise pollution and more. The perfect lawn turf will also enable you to exercise properly and accurately. 

Benefits of Using Turf Grass For Gyms

Fast Installation

Avail artificial turfs for a great gym experience. They are quick and easy to install if you have proper knowledge about them. You can recreate your workout space efficiently and quickly by using these high-quality turf grasses. They create a seamless finish after accurate installation.   

Customer Engagement

For outdoor gyms, artificial grass is a practical option and flooring solution. It helps improve services, amenities and the overall atmosphere, motivating you to work out more. Lawn turfs are easily accessible, highly unconventional and provide for a great relaxing ambience. 

Easy Maintenance

For outdoor gyms, clean, tidy and organised areas always work wonders. You can work out in a relaxed manner while maintaining utmost safety. They are easy to clean and maintain; hence you rely on them for continued exercising.  

Turf in landscape


Lawn turfs are incredibly durable, sturdy and flexible, designed to withstand heavy footfall and traffic. They provide a strong grip despite having a natural variation. You will not slip on them while exercising.   

Shock Absorbent

These turfs provide the user with a natural ‘give’, reducing the impact while falling down. It absorbs energy and is therefore safe to use, especially while doing bodyweight exercises.   

Hypo Allergenic

With artificial lawn turfs, you will suffer from less irritation, sneezing and allergies. Hence they are suitable for outdoor home gyms so that you do not fall sick consistently every time you work out.   


They look aesthetically pleasing and attractive, which further enhances the ambience of the outdoor gym. They look pristine, with clear cut lines and boundaries. Besides, they are long-lasting and functional too. 

Combining Play and Exercise

Your backyard or outdoor garden area with well-maintained turfs is perfect for combining play with exercising. For instant play areas, lay turf and spend a gala time with your family and kids by playing basketball, football etc. You can also enjoy other leisure time, by moving around for relaxation after a tiring day of work. Top-quality lawn turf is integral to make the garden space enjoyable and keep it in pristine condition.  

Indoor Gyms – How to Begin? 

You can exercise without any problems when the outside condition is supportive. However, during the rainy season, you should have a place indoors to work out properly. An indoor gym is an excellent alternative to the outdoor ones.  

For this, you can start by creating a solid structure with a shed with maximised space utilisation. 

Next, we suggest installing premium quality artificial grass turfs to do indoor exercises with freedom besides maintaining strict safety standards so that you do not end up injuring yourself.  For proper outdoor and indoor gym arrangements, consult Hills Quality Turf for their high standard services and premium quality lawn turfs. 

Laying Turf On Grass, Soil And Other Materials: What To Do And What Not To Do

Every homeowner wants an aesthetically pleasing lawn, but they are often confused about the dos and don’ts. The results vary depending on the type of surface you are opting for. You must prepare the surface correctly before you start with laying turf.

Two Common Surfaces for Laying Turf


Most homeowners prefer soil for laying turf and converting it into a beautiful lawn. However, before you start with the process, you must follow these dos and don’ts –

  • Start with levelling the soil. It will be easier to maintain and mow your lawn later. However, you must not rigid about a compact surface as it won’t allow your turf to root correctly.
  • Aerate the ground before placing the turf. It will facilitate the grassroots to reach deep into the soil.
  • To maintain the health and aesthetics of your lawn, use compost and manure to fertilise the soil. It will also improve the water-retaining capacity of the ground. However, refrain from partially-rotten compost as it will cause your lawn to sag.
  • Improve the drainage by mixing some sand with the soil.
  • Ensure that your ground is free of weed and check the topsoil depth to create the ideal base for your turf.


We don’t recommend laying your turf over existing grass. The old grass won’t allow your turf to root correctly, and the existing weed will damage your freshly laid turf. However, if you still want to lay turf on old grass, then –

  • Try to mow your existing grass very short and eliminate all the clippings. You can also rotavate your soil to ensure better growth for your new turf.
  • Try to remove most of the old grass and aerate it. Directly laying your turf on old grass will impact its growth. The old grass will die away soon damaging the roots of your new turf.

Dos and Don’ts for Laying Turf on Other Materials

Green Roofs

Many people are opting for eco-friendly properties. If you want to lay turn on green roofs then –

  • Plan your lawn maintenance and care. You must also check whether you can bring up a lawnmower or hand shear to your roof.
  • Prepare the roof for laying turf.
  • Your roof must be strong enough to hold the weight of turf and soil.

Concrete or Stone

Hard surfaces can’t sustain a permanent lawn due to lack of soil. However, new turf comes with roots and a layer of soil attached to it, making them ideal for special events.

  • Remove all debris and neatly lay down the turns and twists on your hard surface.
  • It will help if you water regularly to keep your lawn healthy. However, you must not expect your lawn to survive permanently on a hard surface.

Hills Quality Turfs has an extensive collection of lawn turf, compost, mulches, soil conditioner, topsoil, and loams. They will help you create the perfect lawn at the most affordable prices.

Is It A Good Idea To Lay Turf During The Rainy Season

Laying Turf in Rainy Season

Irrespective of the location of your home within the UK, you know what happens to the turf as it gets to dry out before being rooted into the soil. Oftentimes, it develops bald patches, scars, and also blackened areas. Therefore, you should never allow the turf to dry out. But is it a good decision to get it dried out on the rainy days?

Well, this is partially true. As it rains, water slowly evaporates from the soil. This ensures that the plants will get enough drink before the moisture fades. However, there might be issues in case of continuous and heavy rain.

Considerable Factors For Laying Turf

As it comes to laying turf during the rainy season, certain factors play important roles. Let’s check them out.


Laying turf can be done all across the year. But soil consistency plays an important role in this. The uneven soil surface is tough to get fixed even at the best times. If you lay turf when the soil is very wet, it would be more difficult as wet soil is susceptible to uneven patches, dips, and damaged roots. Nevertheless, you may use laying boards to reduce this issue. It also ensures an even surface. Be careful about compacting the turf extensively. Avoid doing this. The outcome won’t be satisfactory with poorly-structured dense soil. In the case of over compacted soil, there will be the least air space between the particles. And this hampers the root growth and results in undersized plants.

Lawn Turf

Moisture Buildup

This can be a big troublemaker. Check if the underneath surface of the turf is dry. You surely don’t want the turf to break down immediately after it is being put into the place just because of too much moisture. So, if the soil feels marshy and sticky, or if you’re expecting heavy rain, put off the job for another day.

Rain Is Sometimes Good…

But rain can be a good thing too! If you compare it to a hot scorching day, a rainy day is definitely good. But the soil should be in a good condition and shape. And this is how laying turf on a rainy day comes handy and beneficial. You don’t need to think about the soil to be dried out. You will also get more time for laying the turf. With proper soil consistency and preparation, laying the turf is possible in almost any weather conditions including freezing conditions. Yes, such weather can also do some good. The turf will get up to 3 days and this gets soil consistency spot on.

So, if you want to invest in a lawn for the home or office, soil preparation is important. It is also crucial to lay the turf fast and effectively. However, the most important thing is to invest in the proper product.

Laying Turf in Winter: Can It be Possible

A common myth about turf laying is it cannot be laid during the winter months. But this is high time you should debunk that myth. You can lay turf throughout the year as per your convenience. You can even choose December for turf laying without any doubt.

However, before you choose December or other winter months for turf laying, there are a few things you need to know. Though many people have the misconception about December as not so safe time for turf laying, the experts think that turf laying in winter has its distinct advantages.

Why Winter is Good for Turf Laying

When you lay the turf in winter, it gets enough time to settle down on the soil before spring. Unlike summer, you do not need to give a lot of water to the lawn for the newly-laid turf when you install them in winter. The natural damp and cold weather of winter will help the turf to settle down gradually.

The best time of turf laying is mid-autumn but the time between mid-autumn and late-winter can also be picked for turf laying.

Nonetheless, it is always advisable to check with your turf supplier if they have the capacity to lay turf in winter; especially on the freezing months. They should have the best quality turf that can be laid easily during the cold and damp weather.

Is Frost Harmful to Turf

Excess of everything is eventually harmful, so does frost. However, a moderate amount of frost is not at all harmful for your newly-laid turf. In fact, frost is not damaging for turf that is well settled on the ground. Though you cannot lay turf if it is already frozen, you can do so after the frost has thawed. If you experience a moderate amount of snowfall immediately after the turf laying, then also you do not need to get worried about it.

It is better to take the advice of your turf layer or turf supplier regarding having turf on frosty soil. They will check the condition of the soil first and then decide whether you should lay the turf right now or you should wait for a couple of weeks.

Turf Laying in December is not a big task. The reliable and experienced turf suppliers like Hills Quality Turf have special tools and skills to handle the job of turf laying even in winter as per the needs of their clients.

If you are interested in having turf for your lawn this winter, then do not waste any more time. Call the experts of Hills Quality Turf and get the job done as soon as possible.

How Good It Would Be to Lay Turf onto Wet Soil

Laying turf on your garden is good for the overall health of this place. Turfs look beautiful, and they are low-maintenance as well. However, before you lay turf onto your garden, you should know about the ideal condition in which turf laying would be easy and safe.

As per the experts of landscaping and gardening, you should know the effects of rain on your soil while planning to install the artificial grass. You should also know whether or not you can lay turf onto wet soil.

What Experts Say

It is always advisable not to allow the turf to become completely dry out after immediate after installation. Wet weather and moderately damp soil are good for turf laying. However, you must avoid muddy quagmire. Excessively wet soil can be harmful to your turf.

  • Soil compaction can be the result of working on the wet ground; you should avoid the same.
  • If you need to finish your turfing job as soon as possible and the soil is still sodden, then avoid overwork on the soil.
  • If it is a smaller area, then dig the wet soil with hand instead of using any tool for turf laying. Preparing the wet soil with the hand is useful to make it well prepared for turf laying.
  • In case, your garden soil often gets wet, try to have a land drain which will help the excess water to be drained out from the soil.
  • When the land is excessively wet, and you do not need that much moist before laying the turf, then use some topsoil to balance the damp in the garden.
  • Do not forget to use a high-quality pre-turfing fertilizer to prepare the soil for the same.
  • Always take the help of the experts of turf laying if you think that you need some expert advice. When you have a bigger lawn, it would be better to hire the professionals.

Why Should You Avoid Soil Compaction

The soil of the lawn determines the long term health of the entire garden. Hence, it is essential to maintain the same. As per the soil experts; healthy soil has a perfect blending of 25% water, 25% air and 50% minerals along with other organic matters. Compaction can make a huge change in that blending which leads only 5% each of water and air and 90% solids. This can be anything but a healthy balance for the soil of your lawn. Hence, you need to avoid compaction to ensure the good health of your garden and long life for your lawn.

When you follow the above-mention tips to lay turf onto wet soil, you can definitely expect to see a better result.

For the best quality turf, you can contact Hills Quality Turfs. We offer a wide range of artificial grass to meet the specific requirements of our clients. Get in touch with our experts 01293 862223 / 01483 282223 for their advice and services.

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